Container Delivery And Collection
We offer containers for sale either to be collected from our depot or including delivery. If you go for the delivered option we can deliver one of 2 ways. If you have means at the delivery address of unloading the container yourself such as a forklift or crane then a standard flatbed or skeletal trailer can be used and is often the cheapest method.
Alternatively we can arrange delivery or collection with crane mounted trailers that are able to offload the containers themselves. Standard hiab type cranes will be able to generally lift a maximum of 6t including the empty weight of the container. They have a certain amount of flexibility and can turn containers at 90 degrees to the trailer and/or lift over hedges and fences. For containers weighing over 6t you will generally need more specialised transport such as a sideloader which can only lift on/off from fixed positions.
When considering having your container delivered there are a few things that you will need to keep in mind:
Access – Does the access road have enough width for the trailer? Is the entrance to your site and adjacent road wide enough to allow the vehicle to swing in? Are there any overhead obstructions such as low bridges, cables or trees?
Ground conditions – The weight of the delivery vehicle and container is substantial, the delivery vehicle will not leave hardstanding.
Drop off location – Is the area you intend to place the container clear of parked cars and debris? Is it fairly flat and level? Is it long enough and wide enough for the size of container you are buying?
Providing the above is all ok having a container delivered is a fairly quick and easy process.
Contact Us
Feel free to get in touch with us with any questions you have regarding our shipping containers. If you wish to speak with someone directly please call us on 0208 594 6930.