Archive Storage In Shipping Containers
Monday, 5th October 2009
With the digital age and offices increasingly looking to reduce the amount of paperwork generated by creating and storing documents on servers you would expect the demand for archiving to reduce. It seems however that no matter how hard we try, client demand and government regulation dictating record keeping produce a seemingly endless amount of paperwork. It doesn’t take long for this paperwork to fill an office and before long even a small business will have to consider storing their files elsewhere. One option is to buy a shipping container and have it racked out or fitted with shelves to hold archive boxes. This additional archive storage unit can then be placed near to your existing building and files can be transferred backwards and forwards with minimal disruption freeing up valuable office space.
Should your business premises not have room for a shipping container another option is to consider enlisting the services of an archive storage company. In this case collection vans will visit your premises to collect any documents or files and transport them to their secure storage facility. Quite often these companies will provide a records management service, document retrieval and secure destruction service for any files no longer required.