Loading A Freight Container
Ramps are often required for loading freight containers either when they are on the back of a lorry or on the ground. The door sill and internal floor height of a container is raised owing to the crossmember supports beneath. When using a forklift or pallet handler to load a ramp will be required to overcome this.
If you are loading your container for shipping then consideration will need to be given to the fact that it will be lifted from ground to truck, truck to vessel etc. many times over during its voyage. Once on board the constant roll of the sea could also cause unsecured goods to shift although modern vessels have been designed to reduce this.
Even when trucking a loaded freight container over a relatively short distance any goods will still need to be secured adequately. The box may still need to be lifted on and off the vehicle and once on the road turning corners or braking will all cause the contents to shift.
If you are planning to have your container moved by land or sea, loaded with goods, then the contents will need to be secured into place. There are many different products available to assist with this ranging from cords, straps and buckles to inflatable cushions and webbing. If the contents are of high value it may be wise to employ the services of a professional company to have your contents export packed.
If you are using a container for storage in a fixed location then a little planning when loading will save a lot of time and headaches. Try to leave a centre aisle from which you can easily access your goods the whole length of the container and perhaps consider having racking fitted. Put any heavy items on the ground first to avoid damage and unnecessary inconvenience when sorting through and label any boxes with their contents.